Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tantric Love Making Videos

When the night cloud of sameness and sadness addresses your sleeping room, you've got a number of options : find a lover, look for advice in a magazine, or reach a sex therapist, try feng shui tricks for increasing horny energy in your home, see a sex shop and arm yourself with lubes, latex and cuffs, or commit yourself to the traditional talent of love making Tantra. We live in a world in which there are increasingly a lot of divorces, and in the opinion of some stats, in eighty p.c of long kinship there's no longer any love 'tween spouses. After the first hot love and bodily and emotional tightness, it seems that amongst couplets who have been together for a while there's a steady weakening of mutual will and love. We needed to find out why this is so and how we will deepen and keep the feeling of emotional and bodily connection, so we talked to the therapist and sexologist Davor Stancic, the leader of a Tantra Club. Everything else can but does not have to be!The east system of love stops the cooling down and shortage of sexual desire that comes in endless human relationships and unions. Davor Stancic.

Tough hormonal changes. When we head into involvement, the levels of endocrines in charge of contentment and joy jump, which are oxytocin, dopamine and endorphin. After the orgasm, or attaining a local orgasm, which with men is ejaculation, and with girls a clitoral orgasm, their levels suddenly fall. Also, the Western method of making love is such that after an orgasm, with both sexes, the level of the hormone prolaktin develops, which creates a feeling of vacuum, removal and coolness. After sex, it is the high level of prolaktin that makes men to not wish to hug and talk with their spouses, but it is also responsible for post-coital depression and painful emotions with both sexes. The Western way of making love is the main element that leads to the lack of love, closeness and sexual dissatisfaction with couplets that were together for ages, announces Davor Stancic. Stancic says that this can be achieved by a smart advance that deals with the difficulty with a deeper way that classic advice such as : playing sexual games, putting on costumes and similar. Western sexology, according to my feeling, does not realize at all why after a number of years in wedding the love and will vanishes declared Stancic, who studied the differences 'tween the Western and so called Eastern techniques of making love.

Rather than a local orgasm, Tantra teaches a way to attain an sexual sexual climax with the whole body. With this strategy, after sexual climax the levels of oxytocin, dopamine and endorphin remain the same, whilst the levels of prolaktin remain low. couplets that practice tantric sex achieve bigger emotional connection and a higher level of sexual joy. The reason behind this is that whilst practicing the Eastern strategy of love making, males and women do not lose energy, and it certainly influences the whole psycho-physical heath. Davor Stancic offers individual consultations, as well as consultations for couplets. It is composed of 5 hours of conversation that happens during 2-3 visits. Besides consultations, Stancic has prepared books and DVDs for independent learning.

Learning does not take long Girls are made in such a fashion that they don't need long to learn to experience a total, or full body orgasm. With girls it lasts a couple of weeks. weeks. Learning to manipulate the ejaculation is similar to the method where little kids learn to hold peeing. We found out from the head of the tantra club that there's a great concern for it when he started to promote it in Croatia in 1994 and 1995, after which the public concern fell.

Want to know more about tantric love making videos follow the link. Reference:
Iternal Love Making Videos

1 comment:

  1. Like romance? Like gobbsa clichés? Like adventure and passion in this finite existence? Lemme teach you the Way home by reading our blogs, especially 'MySoulAccomplishment', where you'll find God doesn't have to be stuck-in-the-past amidst the boring, hardcore views in Heaven. We can do whatever we like Upstairs - God only gives bawls to those who see the need for humility. We love you, girl. The world doesn’t; the world only wants to use you and abuse you, yet, God never interferes with YOUR free will. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL
